Monday July 22nd: He knows your name
July 22, 2024
Honouring retired principals at Sacred Heart Boys’ RC
July 23, 2024

Tuesday July 23rd: Kingdom Business – A Family Affair

“Those who believe, act!”

Matthew 12:46-50

It was midday Mass at Holy Rosary church; the Gospel of the day was Matthew 7:21-29 (Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven). Fr. Robert Christo’s homily struck like a bolt of lightning:
‘You can’t be Catholic if you’re not in a ministry! We believe in faith and works. Catholics have to wuk! Those who believe, act!’
There are many people who work in their family business. Jesus Christ does too – he is in the forgiving and healing business. He is in the business of saving souls. He stretches His hands to us. We his disciples are his family of employees. We have our work orders: “Love one another as He has loved us; Go, make disciples of the whole world.” My brothers, my sisters, let us be obedient to His will. The Kingdom is close at hand and the enemy prowls. Let us act. We have souls to save.