The Children’s Ark—A symbol of protection
July 17, 2024
Friday July 19th: Establishing priorities
July 19, 2024

Thursday July 18th: Share the load

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart…”

Matthew 11:28-30

This text is another example of how much love God has for us. A ‘yoke’ is fastened over the necks of two animals and attached to the plough or cart that they are to pull. I am only to assume God is telling me that I don’t have to carry my burden alone and once I connect to Him, I will learn how to do so with humility and grace.
Jesus didn’t go around complaining to everyone how terribly burdened He was, or angrily expressing how unfair it was that He should have to bear the cross for our sins. He just accepted it as God’s will! That’s why he is calling us to learn from Him during the challenging times in our lives.
As we navigate through the difficulties we face in our lives on a daily basis, I pray we learn to carry our crosses humbly and gently while being connected to Christ; for His “yoke is easy and ‘His’ burden is light”