Our Lady of Mount Carmel
What if we were with Jesus today and while pronouncing his judgement, he called our country by name and denounced us too?
Matthew 11:20-24
Our country was once a verdant paradise, named after the one, true Triune God. Indeed, God has worked many miracles on our seas and shores, namely, providing abundant natural resources and protecting us from many disasters as we like to proclaim, “God iz a trini”.
As we reflect on the upsurge of lawlessness plaguing our land, it almost seems as if we have taken God’s provision and protection as an entitlement, rather than his gracious gift. If we as a nation continue down this slippery slope and do not repent, then woe to us.
Today’s gospel should be enough to shake us out of our slumber and apathy. It is a call to repentance. It starts with each one of us as we form the frontline of God’s army with rosaries in our hands, clothed in our Brown Scapulars and armed with the Word of God in our heart.
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, pray for us.