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July 16, 2024

Jubilee Year 2025: rest, release, and renewal

The Archdiocese of Port of Spain is gearing up for a significant event in the Catholic calendar: Jubilee Year 2025, said Fr Martin Sirju, Vicar General, preaching the homily at the July 14 Mass at Living Water Community chapel.

He explained to the congregation that Pope Francis has proclaimed the Jubilee Year through the papal bull Hope Does Not Disappoint. This theme resonates deeply in our current global context, which Fr Sirju describes as a world seemingly “falling into World War III, piece by piece.” The Jubilee Year offers a beacon of hope amidst these challenging times.

Rooted in scripture, the concept of Jubilee finds its origins in Leviticus 25, which states, “Thou shalt sanctify the 50th year and shalt proclaim remission to all the inhabitants of the land, for it is a year of Jubilee.”

Fr Sirju emphasised the Christian significance of this tradition, referencing Jesus’ proclamation in the synagogue of Nazareth, where He announced, “the Lord’s Year of Favour.”

The Jubilee Year traditionally occurs every 25 or 50 years, with the last regular Jubilee held in 2000. Pope Francis called an Extraordinary Jubilee in 2015.

Fr Sirju highlighted three key aspects of the Jubilee: rest, release, and renewal. He encouraged the faithful to consider ways to embrace these themes in their lives:

• Rest: “In what ways can we slow down? In what ways can we give more attention to family, to communities?”

• Release: This involves freeing people from various forms of debt, including monetary and emotional burdens like unforgiveness.

• Renewal: “Pope Francis invites us to renewal. He says in the bull that renewal and beginning the Jubilee Year must start with repentance.”

To prepare for the Jubilee, the Archdiocese has formed a committee led by Fr Sirju (see July 14 issue, page 4). The team includes representatives from various ministries and demographics, ensuring a comprehensive approach to planning and implementation.

Fr Sirju emphasised the connection between the Jubilee and the ongoing focus on synodality in the Church. “Synodality is journeying together; it’s praying together; it’s listening; it’s discerning and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us.”

Preparations are underway, including the establishment of Jubilee doors at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, the Pro-Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, San Fernando, and potentially in different vicariates to improve accessibility.

Parishes will soon receive information packages containing details about the Jubilee and opportunities for parishioners to contribute ideas.

In closing, Fr Sirju called on the faithful to pray for the success of both the Jubilee Year, and the conclusion of the Synod in October. He stressed the importance of maintaining an attitude of gratitude and joy, quoting Archbishop Fulton Sheen to illustrate his point.

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