‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand’
Matthew 10:7-15
We all experience glimpses of the Kingdom of Heaven. I fondly remember experiencing the ‘kingdom’ at my sixth form Biology class in college. The sixteen of us met there daily to learn Botany and Zoology from two inspiring teachers, one of whom was a priest.
We bonded, laughed, teased, prayed and helped each other understand the theory and learn the skills. No one was left behind, and each was supported to reach his full potential.
The Church defines the Kingdom of Heaven as both a present reality and a future hope. It is the reign of God on earth manifested through the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In today’s Gospel passage Jesus spells out characteristics of the kingdom.
The Kingdom of Heaven has no geography. It’s more like a force or tone that permeates and manifests itself. It permeated and manifested itself in our sixth form Biology class!