Monday July 8th: Lord, increase my faith
July 8, 2024
Wednesday July 10th: The Call of the Apostles
July 10, 2024

Tuesday July 9th: Bring others to Jesus

“The harvest is rich, but the Labourers are few”….

Matthew 9:32-38

The demoniac was brought to Jesus. His friends spoke for him and made the man’s plea known to the Healer. Jesus healed the dumb demoniac and the man spoke. These friends are the ‘labourers’ Jesus speaks about. The labourers are the persons who will speak for those who need someone to speak up for them, who will bring others to Jesus for healing and freeing.
The gospel passage also says Jesus made a tour through all the towns and villages, teaching, proclaiming, curing. Jesus comes to meet us where we are. The rich harvest of His love and healing awaits us and even as others bring us to Jesus when we cannot bring ourselves, Jesus is also coming to us. He wants to free us from being harassed and dejected.
Can we be that person for others in our lives, in our land, in our world? Can we articulate a plea for them? Let us bring others to Jesus. The harvest is rich, but the labourers are few!