‘When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the man, “Your sins are forgiven”.’
Mathew 9:1-8
This brings to mind an excerpt from Bon Jovi’s song:
Thank you for loving me
For being my eyes
When I couldn’t see
For parting my lips
When I couldn’t breathe
Thank you for loving me.
You pick me up when I fall down
You ring the bell before they count me out
If I was drowning, you would part the sea
And risk your own life to rescue me.
We are called as believers to intercede for others as St. Paul says: “I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people”.
Intercessors are burden bearers for others. Jesus seeks souls who will unite themselves to Calvary to be the Simon of Cyrene for those who are being crushed under the burden of their cross.
May our hearts be opened to understand that right around us are souls in need. Amen