Thursday June 20th: God is our Father
June 20, 2024
Saturday June 22nd: Do not worry!
June 22, 2024

Friday June 21st: Seek First the Kingdom of God

Eyes that are trained on God will seek light and faith and eternity.

Matthew 6: 19 – 23

In today’s gospel, Jesus speaks directly to the human tendency to prioritize earthly treasures over heavenly riches. He warns us against the fleeting nature of material wealth, which can corrode, be stolen, or decay. Instead, He directs our focus to the enduring treasures of heaven.

The treasures of heaven are not material possessions or fame. Rather, they are the virtues of love, compassion, kindness, and humility. They are the fruits of a life in God, where every action is guided by faith and love.

If we train our hearts to desire God, above all else, we would be storing up a treasure that endures. The old hymn, “Seek First the Kingdom of God” is a beautiful reminder of where our hearts ought to be placed.

Jesus also speaks of the eye as the lamp of the body. It depends on how and what we train ourselves to see, that will determine the desires and pursuits in our lives. Eyes that are trained on God will seek light and faith and eternity.