Father’s Day, World Refugee Day, and human dignity
June 19, 2024
Lay Ministers’ formation enters 52nd year
June 19, 2024

Music, praise, healing in Arima on a holiday

On May 31, Santa Rosa RC church hosted ‘A Night of Praise and Healing in the Park’ featuring Frs Andrew Emenike, Kizito Ameloko, Steve Duncan, Peter St Hillaire, and Maurice White, and Deacons Derek Walcott and Joachim Hernandez. The night ended with midnight Mass with Fr Raymond Francis.

I can only describe the experience of this event as spirit-filled and powerful.

Choirs that led in praise and worship included GRACE Music Ministries, People of Praise Community, Christi Amor Choir, St Anthony’s Music Ministry and 424 Music Ministry.

As if several hours of being in the presence of the Lord, soaking in praise and worship was not enough, the scheduled Mass started promptly at midnight. The selfless and tireless work of all the Lay Ministers and altar servers that kept abreast with Fr Raymond during Eucharistic healing was indeed admirable.

While Fr Raymond walked through the crowds with the Blessed Sacrament, I kept my eyes closed and hands opened awaiting my turn. As I waited, anxiety began building in my heart just in knowing that Jesus is coming my way. I felt Him moving through the crowd to my right, then to my left and finally approaching the front of me.

With my eyes still closed, I suddenly felt a gentle breeze against my face and in that moment, I said Lord Jesus, here is my heart. Soon, I felt my body go limp and someone tenderly embracing me as I fell to the ground. It may have been seconds or minutes, I am not quite sure.

However, as I reflect on the exact moment, to me, the following quote resonates from Revelation 1:17, “When I saw Him, I fell at his feet like a dead man. And he placed His right hand on me saying, ‘Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last’.”

To all the people that planned, executed, assisted and supported this event, thank you! May God continue to richly bless you, your families and your ministries. May you see the fruits of your labour of love in the faces and lives of the wider society in need of healing and deliverance.

—Sabella Morris-Olivier