Blessed are you!
Matthew 5:1-12
On seeing the crowds Jesus went up the hill and sat down, to facilitate his teaching of the Beatitudes – truly a series of contradictory responses to life’s situations. He said the poor in spirit will have the kingdom of heaven; the gentle will ‘have the earth’. We know, from our life-experiences that to ‘have the earth’, you have to be ruthless, cunning and shrewd in your methods – not gentle and poor in spirit.
Jesus said to the people that those who hunger and thirst for right will be satisfied. We know however, that those who hunger and thirst for what is right get sidelined and booted out because they are not open to doing what the world demands in the warped way the world demands.
So where does this happen? Where is this place where the outcome is as Jesus was preaching? He says your reward will be great in heaven and we are to have an attitude of joy in the meantime while we act ‘on his account’ in this world. Blessed are you!