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June 5, 2024
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June 6, 2024

Thursday June 6th: Love has Everything to do with it!

‘…you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.”

Mark 12: 28 – 34

The word love is a verb and an abstract noun. Love can be used to describe a relationship’s gravity, which is important for us. Love’s deeper meaning can be easily illuminated over in superficial expressions. St John explains that God is love, a love that is creative and self-giving, that desires the best for each of us as creatures of God.
Thus, we are called to love God, each other, and ourselves as given life by God. I recall those early catechism teachings: Who made you? Why did God make you?
As we struggle with secular commitments and responsibilities, we too might ask questions as the scribe, ‘Which of the commandments is the first of all?’ What should be first on my list of priorities?
Jesus’ reply is captivating in its simplicity. Let his reply resonate in my heart, as I ask for the grace to understand what it means to put love as my highest priority.
Let’s pray for a deeper appreciation of love, freedom to accept it more fully, and to live it as Jesus did in a self-giving way.