To the moms of big families: you are superheroes!
May 12, 2024
An Ode to My Mom!
May 13, 2024

Monday May 13th: I have overcome the world

“I have told you all this so that you may find peace in me.”

John 16: 29-33

So often in life, circumstances challenge our belief in the words: “I have overcome the world.” As Jesus asked in the beginning of today’s bible passage ‘Do you now believe?’.

His question reaches out to us in our own moments of doubt and uncertainty. It is a question that demands introspection and honesty. Do we truly believe that Jesus has overcome the world, even when the world seems to overwhelm us with its trials and tribulations?

The disciples themselves faced moments of doubt and disbelief, despite their close proximity to Jesus and witnessing his miraculous works.

In the midst of life’s challenges, we must cling to our faith in Jesus and his words – I have overcome the world, knowing that in him, we can also overcome our difficulties in life.