Keeping the BOM real…
May 9, 2024
What is God asking you to give?
May 9, 2024

The 777 Rule…with God

By Daniel Francis

Recently, I saw a video speaking about the 777 Rule. Given the triple 7, I thought it was something God or faith-related but to my surprise, it was a method to keep the magic alive in your relationship.

The 777 Rule suggests that to help keep your marriage healthy and romantic, every seven days go on a date with your spouse, every seven weeks go away for the night with your spouse and every seven months the two of you could head off on some type of romantic getaway or holiday.

I am not married but I think this is something that married couples would easily get behind. However, as is the norm when I see content these days, I try to find an angle for God in what I digest.

The 777 Rule made me realise that we put so much active and premeditated effort into our relationships whether platonic or romantic but when it comes to our relationship with God we tend to be, and I am sorry to say this, a bit basic.

Yes, we do the usual prayer, reading our Bible, and going to church. I am not knocking these activities by any means as they are integral to a solid relationship with God, but we could do a bit more and be more creative with it, no?

This is the ultimate relationship to nurture so why not put some additional proactive thought into how we build our relationship with God?

So technology, doing its typical intrusive thing, heard me trying to sort out this dilemma as I was talking to myself out loud and presented a video to me on my timeline to answer my questions. Maybe God was the one who put this next bit of content on my timeline because He wanted me to see it.

The video was entitled ‘4 Solo Dates with God’. Mixing what I learned from that video and the 777 Rule I am now presenting the 777 Rule for building your relationship with God.

This new variation goes like this:

  • Every 7 days go on a 1-hour walk, narrate the highs and lows of your week to God.
  • Every 7 weeks, treat yourself to a nice restaurant, bring along your journal, and write a letter to God about anything you wish to do for Him.
  • Every 7 months, book yourself a fancy hotel room or a spa. Just go and rest. Then pray the whole night. Alternatively, you could go out on a picnic in nature. Prepare beforehand a nice worship playlist. Don’t forget your earphones. Listen to the music as you journal and pray.

Voila! A new set of modern activities you can add to what you are already doing to help better nurture your relationship with God. What I love most about this is that because it is so casual, it will feel like self-care except you will be inviting God into it.

You will be simultaneously centring yourself while building your faith. It is a different way of doing what you may already be doing. This may be a refreshing change of pace from the usual activities that you need.

I remember when I changed the way I prayed. I spoke to God less like an omnipresent being and more like a friend whom I love and who loves me and that was such a refreshing change of pace.

You can imagine my excitement to try the 777 Rule with God. Who is with me? Who is ready to add the 777 Rule to proactively nurture their relationship with God?

I have a suspicion that this will help to better cement God in our lives. Try it along with me and let’s build our relationship with God.


Daniel Francis is a millennial helping other millennials. He is a two-time author of the books The Millennial Mind and The Millennial Experience, and an entrepreneur. Over the past four years, he has served as a Personal Development Coach whose work targets Millennials and helps them tap into their full potential. He is also a self-publishing coach and has guided hundreds on self-publishing their book successfully.


LinkedIn: Daniel Francis

IG: o.m.publishing

