Sunday April 28th: I am the True Vine
April 28, 2024
Tuesday April 30th: What a gift!
April 30, 2024

Monday April 29th: Light in our Hearts

“…And we shall come to him and make a home in him.”

John 14:21-31

Whenever we receive Holy Communion worthily, Jesus, the Light of the world, comes into us. He shares His light with us each and every time. Catholics should be blazing beings of light.

We are called to fan the flames of this light, keep it ablaze, and never allow the storms of life to extinguish it. We are responsible to keep the Light of Christ burning within us.

People should see this light emanating from us and know that we have a special love relationship with our God, and that He lives within us. Before we utter a single word, people should see God’s light radiating from us. The enemy should be running from us when he sees us coming, for he has no power over Jesus, the Light of the world.

My prayer is always that others may see You in me, O Lord. Help me to fan the flame of Your Light in me, by the way I dress, by my words and my deeds. Come, O Lord, and make a home in me.