By Fr Jesse Maingot OP
Brothers and sisters! This Sunday, April 28 marks the beginning of our 33-day journey to consecrating our lives to our Eucharistic Lord.
What exactly is consecration? Aren’t we already consecrated to the Lord Jesus in Baptism? Yes, indeed this is true. However, when we speak of a consecration to the Eucharist, we are speaking about binding and giving ourselves more fully to Jesus in the way that He comes to us in the Eucharist. Our consecration is an intentional promise to reform one’s life in view of the Eucharist.
Fruits of Eucharistic consecration mean a life more empowered with the Holy Spirit. It means experiencing ever greater degrees of intimacy with our heavenly Father through Jesus. It means bringing more peace and love into the world. It means seeking out more time to adore Jesus in the tabernacle.
We have tried to make our journey as simple and straightforward as possible. In essence, the five pillars of our Eucharistic journey are:
Basically, to access the journey, we want to direct everyone to There is a QR code on this page so you can easily access the website. On the website you will have an option to click on our 33-day Consecration tab and have access to (1), (2) and (3) above.
Brothers and sisters, we strongly encourage you to form little prayer groups in your homes once a week to reflect on the daily readings of Matthew Kelly’s book. The strength of this journey depends on you and your gatherings. Great fruits will come to bear. Let us light our Church on fire by going to Him who said, “I came to cast fire upon the earth; and would that it were already kindled!” (Lk 12:49).
If you have a Eucharistic testimony of the encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist, please email us to build the faith of others—