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CEBM rep attends US training for migrant integration in schools

Senior Operations Manager of the Catholic Education Board of Management (CEBM) Ayanna Nero is representing the CEBM at the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) April 21 to May 1 in the United States.

The itinerary includes stops in New York, Dallas, Texas, and Los Angeles. The forum on ‘Integration of Migrants and Use of Emerging Technologies in Education’ is specifically for officials of Trinidad and Tobago.

The attendees comprise members of the Education Working Group (EWG) of the Ministry of Education (MoE) and Ministry of National Security who will get information from the US experience working between government bodies to integrate migrants into schools.

Also on the EWG are: the CEBM, the Living Water Community; the Pan American Development Foundation; the United Nations Children’s Fund; and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Topics to be covered include: ‘Policies for migrant students in New York City public schools’; ‘Civil society support for migrant students and their families’; ‘Support for refugee and migrant students in public school systems’; ‘Successful approaches to welcoming immigrants into community’; ‘Breaking the cycle of poverty’; ‘Policies and practices for migrant students in Los Angeles County public schools’; ‘The Internationals approach to the education of immigrant and refugee’; ‘Civil society support for overburdened urban schools’.

The EWG members agreed since the integration of migrants would begin in Catholic schools, the CEBM representative would be the one able to make the most of the experience.

The CEBM expects the IVLP will assist Trinidad and Tobago with the implementation of the recently amended legislation to allow children of Venezuelan migrants registered with the Ministry of National Security in 2019 to access public primary and secondary schools.

The IVLP is the US Department of State’s premier professional exchange programme. More than 500 current or former chiefs of state or heads of government and thousands of current or former cabinet-level ministers and influential leaders from public and private sectors have participated since its inception in 1940. —LPG