Jesus can take our little and turn it into abundance when we allow Him.
John 6: 1 – 15
Today’s gospel begins with Jesus and the disciples facing a hungry crowd in the wilderness. Jesus asked Philip where they can buy bread to feed so many, but Philip only saw the enormity and difficulty of the task. When faced with challenges we can respond with doubt and focus on what we do not have or cannot do.
A breakthrough came when Andrew found a little boy with five loaves and two fish, so little for so many. Yet Jesus took the meagre offering and blessed it and shared it out until everyone had enough to eat with plenty left over.
The lesson is, Jesus works miracles. Jesus can turn our meagre offering into an abundant feast. We must be willing to bring what we have to Him. Many times, we decide what we have is too small, too insignificant, too worthless. But if we dare to give it to Jesus, He can make it into something worthwhile. Jesus can take our little and turn it into abundance when we allow Him.