Urbi Et Orbi for Easter
April 4, 2024
An unsolved murder, a moment for mercy
April 4, 2024

Power of Jesus’ Resurrection is alive

The power of the Resurrection is alive and well in the world today and there are signs of its mystery, said Archbishop Charles Jason Gordon in his Easter Sunday homily at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.

Archbishop Gordon recounted a poignant experience during the Holy Thursday Mass at the Port of Spain prison (see page 12).

He described the liturgy as very “moving” as he washed the feet of selected inmates, prison officers and national security officials. Acting Prisons Commissioner Deopersad Ramoutar, moved by the gesture, spontaneously apologised for any hurt he may have caused his officers or inmates during his 35 years of service.

Archbishop Gordon said, “you could have heard a pin drop”. An inmate stepped forward and commented it was the first time he had seen such a thing and gave his own apology.

Archbishop Gordon said, “What we had there was the way of humility, because he saw what Jesus did on the night before He died which was, kneel down and wash feet and kiss the feet of those He washed and embraced them and made Himself servant of them. He understood that a leader is here to serve. Brothers and sisters, that is the power of the Resurrection at work in our life today.”

He said the way out of the darkness of domestic violence, murders and crime is the light of the Resurrection. Archbishop Gordon admonished against the dangers of ego, likening it to edging God out.

“If you’re filled with yourself, there is no space for God to fill you.” He warned that ego was Satan’s way to get hold. He said being full of ego was creating problems and  contributing to darkness in the family, workplace, church and nation.

At the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday night, which marked the end of Lent and the celebration of the Resurrected Christ, Archbishop Gordon said, “If we believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ then death, then darkness, then nothing should ever deter us in our faith in God because if Christ has conquered death, then what else is there to be conquered?”

Four candidates undergoing the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults were baptised into the Catholic faith during the Vigil. Archbishop Gordon told them when they enter the baptismal font with water they were crucified with Christ and rising they come out with Christ and become part of His mystical body.

“It is not just washing away some bodily dirt, this water goes right to your soul and cleanses you of all sin and renews you in ways like you cannot believe”, he said.

He then urged all baptised Catholics to live, shining His light into their families, communities, and the nation. —LPG