Saturday March 30th: Rolling Stones
March 30, 2024
Monday April 1st: It is finally here!
April 1, 2024

Sunday March 31st: Light soon come

Easter Sunday

On this Resurrection Morning, we celebrate the Gospel Truth cradled in the darkest moments of our lives.

John 20:1-9

The stone rolled away, linen cloths thrown aside,
instead of their dead Savior, a tomb opened wide.
Mary, last to see Him die, now first to tell He is alive.
Disciples no longer entombed by darkness and despair
come running to hear a secret never before revealed,
God’s secret: death is the doorway to life.

Darkness: when sadness and despair blind us and fear descends,
we feel our way guided only by an inner light
and every step becomes a journey in faith.
Communion born of darkness, like fireflies
mercifully guide our feeble hearts
and trembling feet, till morning comes.
Morning: ever-giving gift from God
to all who journey through the night.

Just as the life of every tree begins in roots buried underground
and the Good News of our Savior rises from the darkness of the tomb,
on this Resurrection Morning, we celebrate the Gospel Truth
cradled in the darkest moments of our lives
where everyday, God lives and dies.