One of you is going to betray Me!
John 13: 21-33,36-38
Jesus did not view Peter’s denial or the abandonment by His apostles as betrayal. No.
What was different about Judas?
Judas rejected the salvation Jesus was offering. The love of mammon: the world and its allure were more enticing than eternal life.
Man does not live by bread alone, Jesus said to satan in the desert of temptation. Bread, Jesus used this analogy of bread to make it the source of eternal life-Himself. If we receive Holy Communion unworthily, we too are Judases reaping condemnation on our souls.
O soul if you recognized what is being offered in place of food that withers away! You would not be deceived by its taste but would consume the bitterness of the Cross that leads to eternal glory- the beatific vision.
The lures of this earthly life always seem enticing to the palate, but once consumed, leads to eternal damnation.
One of you is going to betray Me…surely, not I Lord!