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Belmont church nears completion, but still needs support

Restoration of the St Francis of Assisi Church in Belmont is projected for completion in May. The grand centenarian of Belmont—122 years old this year, has been undergoing work since the end of 2021.

The church, a heritage site listed with the National Trust of Trinidad and Tobago has not been accessible for parishioners since it was closed in 2010 because of structural issues.

A fundraising concert ‘Let’s Celebrate!’ will be held on Palm Sunday, March 24 at Queen’s Hall, St Ann’s. Performing will be the Marionette’s Chorale, which is celebrating 60 years and The Massy Trinidad All Starts Steel Orchestra, joint 2024 National Panorama winners with the BP Renegades.

Jose Nivet, a member of the fundraising and building committee said, “We completed Phase One in March 2023, and this consisted of the main roof, ceiling and gutters over the knave as well as removal of all the Portland cement on the internal walls and replacing with lime mortar, and some ancillary works.” Phase Two began in the middle of last year. Work has been significantly advanced in a number of areas: repair and refurbishment of external walls in lime mortar, replacement of the roof and gutters over the sanctuary and sacristy; refurbishment or replacement of downpipes, installation of a new timber ceiling over the sanctuary in the original design, refurbishment of main doors and windows, replacement of two of the three stairs with a new stair and a ramp (the third stair required only minor repairs) and structural work on the bell tower.

At the end of this month, main works to be completed are: extending the choir loft, refurbishing the sacristy and installation of a toilet, refurbishing and repairing the basement/flower room, floor finishes and railings, painting walls and doors, glazing windows inclusive of stained glass, installing electrical and audio visual with light fittings and fans, and miscellaneous external works including paving.

Nivet said: “Substantial completion is therefore expected by the end of April. However, some minor repairs to liturgical fittings and statues including repairs to the side altar closest to the sacristy are also required, and this may take a few weeks after. Benches are also currently being refurbished and these will appear shortly in the Pastoral Centre. Completion is therefore expected before the end of May.” A new bell tower and bell are not included in Phase 1 and 2.

He disclosed that to date, $5.7M was spent with a further estimated expense of $4.5M. “Of this amount we have raised about $2.2M,” Nivet said.

Tickets for the concert ‘Let’s Celebrate!’ can be purchased from: St Francis RC Church Parish Office, 624-7923; Committee members, 388-9039, 797-9884, 799-3306; the Queen’s Hall box office 298-9089 or online at https://queenshalltt.com; The Dominican Book Centre, St Finbar’s RC 633-6564 and Richard’s, West Mall 637-7177; Boomerang Cafe, Long Circular Road 306-4230.  Open seating costs $300 and preferred seating $400. There will be door prizes for lucky patrons. —LPG