“Do you want to be well again?”
John 5:1-16
There are several life lessons to be learned from this story of the healing of the paralyzed man at the pool. Where does each one of us see our own self?
Here are some points on which we should ponder:
• We are all in need of God’s healing.
• In our sufferings, Jesus waits for us to call out to Him, so we can know and experience His healing love.
• The man’s response reflects closely the general attitude of too many of us, as we remain in our state of sickness, and are sometimes even content to complain that there is no-one to help us.
• Like the Jewish authorities, there are some of us who, even in the midst of healing and wholeness, can still find reason to find fault in an otherwise positive situation.
• Regardless of the challenges that we face, we must have faith in the power of God to make us well again.
Jesus, heal us and have mercy on us.