“In truth I tell you, till heaven and earth disappear, not one dot, not one little stroke, is to disappear from the Law until all its purpose is achieved.”
Mathew 5:17-19
God’s word shall not return until it has accomplished what it was sent out to do: LOVE
Jesus, the Son was sent to redeem man and the Holy Spirit is continuously sent to sanctify those that cry out Abba Father!
The biblical journey of God’s people is an account of the journey back to God. The Divine Will of the Father is to be one with each of us. From the very beginning in Genesis, we read God said let us make man in our image and likeness…in other words…LOVE, for GOD is LOVE.
The Old to the New Testament, the writings of the Church and lives of His saints, the law of the Ten commandments all echo one sentiment…LOVE.
For me, this scripture passage is a call to repentance…a call back to LOVE. The Divine Will desires reconciliation with God. When this is accomplished, God’s kingdom shall reign forever.
O that today we would listen to His voice and not harden our hearts!