Friday March 1st: Responsible stewardship rewarded
March 1, 2024
Sunday March 3rd: Reverence for the Sacred
March 3, 2024

Saturday March 2nd: Sibling Rivalry

“My son you are here with me always; everything I have is yours.”

Luke 15: 1 – 3, 11 – 32

Most persons growing up with siblings, at one time or another, would understand the reaction of the ‘good’ son, me included. Watching them seemingly ‘get away with murder’, as if we were perfect angels ourselves.

Being children of God, it is hard to not feel the same with each other. I once heard “persons that convert to the faith are ‘better’ Catholics than those born in the faith” and the rivalry begins.

Today, God is reminding us that His love and rejoicing over the return of the sinner does not diminish His love or blessings for those that stayed the course.

I pray for the understanding that God’s love for me is not diminished by His love for anyone else. That no matter where I am in life, God is happy to have me with Him, whether I am returning or have stayed the course.
