Deep listening and discernment are signs of a synodal church.
Luke 11:29-32
In this Lenten time, we continue our journey toward being a synodal church. Deep listening and discernment, inclusivity and dialogue are signs of synodality. Today Jesus highlights the example of Jonah, the prophet who went to a foreign land to preach repentance.
In our time there is much need for repentance. In our church many have experienced desolation. Often, those in leadership position lord it over others, cast aspersions against neighbours and fellow parishioners, who are discriminated against and so do not experience inclusivity, (widening the tent) and dialogue. I remember someone close to me offered to serve in the parish and was flatly denied.
In the wider society there is discrimination in public office, corruption, oppressive working conditions of unskilled workers, the indignity of unemployment, inefficient health services and many more injustices.
Jesus reminds us that this generation, as in his time, is evil. We have the ‘greater sign’ of his life, death and resurrection to follow just as the people of Nineveh who repented at the proclamation of Jonah.
We pray for God’s mercy and love.