Poem: The fight
February 8, 2024
Church and Carnival: inculturation to evangelisation
February 9, 2024

Friday February 9th: Never alone

When we are lost because we feel alone, remember there is a community of faith to help us.

Mark 7: 31 – 37

Today’s passage resembles Matthew 9: 2, which says some people brought a paralysed man to Jesus for healing. St. Mark says, today, they brought a deaf man who had an impediment in his speech to Jesus. The man was incapable of coming on his own. Many of us are like that, unable to come to Jesus on our own. One of the values of being a member of a community of faith is, when we cannot come to Jesus on our own, there are brothers and sisters who can bring us. We all need that kind of support since no one is meant to journey alone.

Jesus is our hope. While that may be obvious it is good to remind ourselves of that simple fact, so that, when we are in need, we do not turn to other means for healing, we turn to Jesus. We must never lose sight of Jesus. When we are lost because we feel alone, remember there is a community of faith to help us.