‘For saying this, you may go home happy.‘
Mark 7: 24-30
This woman, a pagan, came to Jesus to ask a favour. Jesus seemed to want to dismiss her by saying, ‘It is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the housedogs,’ but the woman’s faith was so strong that she was ready to take even the scraps that Jesus had to offer.
This incident reminds me very much of the actions of Pope Francis when the gay couple came for a blessing from him. Many were of the view that blessings are only for the righteous and not for those who are living in obvious sin.
Like Jesus, the Pope saw that the couple were humble enough and had faith enough to ask him for a blessing, and so he gave them.
Lord, help us to understand your ways and not reserve our friendships and blessings only for those whom we think are sinless.