By Michelle Lee
It starts slow and steady.
Weakening the mind and body.
Yes! The roaring lion takes over….
Ruining what God joined together.
The human eyes are blinded.
Souls emotionally and spiritually misguided.
The unclean spirits inhabit restless and moral-less places.
What are we allowing in our home and office spaces?
Confused we become…
Until the unclean brings us down
And demoralises all our loved ones.
Porn activates similar pleasure circuits in the brain
As alcohol and heroin.
It is an addiction which eventually causes pain.
The demon wives and husbands call day and night…
“Feed me now, I need to delight!”
Others become objects as a scene plays in the mind.
Character depletes and words become unkind.
Mental sickness accelerates causing division and confusion.
Secrecy activates as the demon whispers for its satisfaction.
Is that really fun being controlled by a demon?
No…it is the Devil’s triumph and a lack of self-validation.
What about what roams in the rooms of the children?
Not even a thought due to total deception and manipulation.
Do as I say empowers a weak and hurting soul.
One who needs to fight for control.
Consequences of sin travelled through the bloodline.
Maybe witchcraft also entwined.
Pray and don’t see through the human eyes.
That soul needs delivering from the Devil’s lies.