I sometimes lack that certainty when I am ill.
Mark 6: 53 – 56
Today’s Gospel inspires me to pray for the ability to recognize Jesus and to have complete faith in Him.
I recognize Our Lord, many times only in hindsight. I pray for the power of discernment to be aware of His Presence in the highs and especially the lows of my life.
The people in today’s reading, not only recognized Jesus but followed Him right away. They had so much faith, not only did they go after Him themselves, but they carried their sick to Him, even on stretchers! They knew all they had to do was touch His garment and they would be healed. I sometimes lack that certainty when I am ill.
I also pray for friends and relatives, like those in the Gospel, who would not only accompany me on my faith journey but who would encourage me to continue my attempts to grow in faith.