In the morning, long before dawn, he got up and left the house and went off to a lonely place and prayed there.
Mark 1:29-39
In Today’s gospel we see Jesus teaching us the importance of the pause. He recognised that his work in that place was finished, and he now needed to go on to the next town, but first he needed to centre himself, pause, refresh and then move on.
Through his actions we also recognise the need for personal, quiet prayer time. So often in the Gospels we see Jesus, moving away to spend some quiet time with His Father.
It is so easy for the ego to get caught up in doing, that we forget to pause, to remember the ‘raison d’etre’, our reason for being, for this purpose I have come.
It’s the pause in the sentence that helps us to truly understand the meaning of the story. And so, with our lives, we need to stop, re-enter that clean well-lighted spot where we experience oneness with the Father and then move on refreshed to continue His work.