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February 1, 2024
Friday February 2nd: Fulfilment, gratitude and faithfulness
February 2, 2024

New Diocesan Pastoral Council appointed


Bishop Francis Alleyne OSB of Georgetown convoked a new Diocesan Pastoral Council comprising ten members of the faithful from the diocese effective December 1, 2023.

According to a Catholic Media Guyana Facebook post, the Constitution of the Diocesan Pastoral stipulates that members shall sit on the Council for a term of two years. The Council constitutes one example of the co-responsibility of the baptised in pursuing the Church’s mission.

As described in Canon law, the Diocesan Pastoral Council “investigates, considers, and proposes practical conclusions about those things which pertain to pastoral works in the diocese.” The Council will thus advise the Bishop with respect to the vision, broad guidelines and pastoral actions to be adopted in the life of the diocese.

In the synodal spirit, all members have an equal say. The members of the Council are committed to participating in the exercise of discernment, the evaluation of diocesan priorities and the expression of their opinions, as well as to contribute to the processes of deliberation and formulation regarding proposals submitted to the Bishop.

The Council will meet several times each year. The first official meeting of the Council was held December 16, 2023. Among its members are Sr Elizabeth Small RSM and Fr Joel Thompson SJ.

Thanking them warmly for their availability, the Bishop counted on their prayers and reflections to enrich the realisation of the mission of the Catholic Church in Guyana.