“Peace! Be still.”
Mark 4:35-41
Brothers and sisters in Christ, Jesus will never leave us or forsake us. When He stepped into the boat as He was, it was a clear indication that He is always prepared. He is God, all powerful!
We cannot temper the storms in our lives, but Jesus can rebuke both wind and water. A reminder of His strength and power. Fear my friends, must be uprooted for the heart to cultivate faith.
The disciples questioned His care just like we do in turbulent times. But, although Jesus’ eyes were closed, the disciples were the ones really asleep. They took their eyes off Jesus and focused on the chaos around them.
Jesus loves childlike trust. He is exhilarated when we trust Him. He wants to leave us in awe. We shall receive only if we have eyes to see, that we are receiving. Let us abandon ourselves to Him.
Be still and know that I am God.