Understand meno, understand discipleship
January 24, 2024
Friday January 26th: God constantly at work
January 26, 2024

Thursday January 25th: New year-new self

“Put on your new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”

Mark 16:15-18

We can all relate at least metaphorically to precarious situations in our own lives; through toxic relationships, work environments or personal choices that may have moved us from under the protection of the Lord.
When we encounter and embrace the Love of Christ, we, like St Paul are given a new name-Sons and Daughters of God. This title conferred on us through Baptism gives us power over death, since Jesus, the first born has been given all power in heaven and earth.
St. Paul is a living example of Jesus’ promise of dominion over evil. Paul survived a poisonous snake bite; repeatedly cast out demons in Jesus’ name and survived numerous attempts on his life.
Consequently, “let us not be conformed to this world…or weary in doing good; for we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him”.