“Do you not understand?”
Mark 4:1-20
In today’s Gospel I can almost sense the disappointment in Jesus’ voice as he asks his disciples, and us, the above question. He then proceeds to unpack the parable of the Sower, reiterating that the seed is the Word of God. How we respond, accept, interpret and live it will make a difference not only for us but for others.
Last weekend we commemorated Sunday of the Word, inaugurated by Pope Francis, to focus on celebration, study and dissemination of the Word.
Like a seed, the Word has potential for growth and spread. It can shape life’s circumstances and the world in which we live; it provides solace and gives direction. However, we must understand that it is the encounter with the ‘Word made flesh’, the revelation of the personhood of Jesus that would truly fulfill the prophetic word spoken in Isaiah, “My word will not return to me void…”
Lord, we pray that in our time, the creative, transformative and restorative potential of the Word will be accomplished. Help us to understand that we must be active agents. Amen.