Proclaiming Scripture must be taken seriously
January 24, 2024
Fatima ‘lector family’ commemorate Word of God Sunday
January 24, 2024

The Word of God, our gift of hope

Fr Hugh Logan, Caribbean Zone Coordinator for the Catholic Biblical Federation issued this message for Sunday of the Word of God which was celebrated January 21.

Global and regional conflicts and wars, rising crime and violence even amongst the young, diminishing trust levels in public officials, and powerful hurricanes like never seen before have instigated fear in people, have undermined the hopes of some and left others traumatized, and have resulted in people asking where is God in the midst of their distress. They wonder whether God has abandoned them.

The just concluded Christmas Season celebrated the Word of God entering those human realities, and by the Incarnation the Word has created for humanity possibilities and opportunities that bring new hope and opportunity for renewal.

This 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (January 21), the Sunday of the Word of God, proclaims that the Word made incarnate is the gift of meaning to humanity.

The social and political upheavals in life can make us feel overwhelmed. However, engaging the Sacred Scriptures, particularly the Easter mystery, invites us to see that, despite the present pain, a future is possible.

The Word of God made flesh has taught us not to allow sadness or disappointments to put a veil over our eyes and somehow to distort reality. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus reveals to us that, although pain, suffering, and death are real, they do not have the last word.

And so, the Word of God is our gift of hope. That hope is grounded on God’s vision of reality that has been revealed in the ministry, passion and death, and resurrection of Jesus.

With that said, the celebration of the Sunday of the Word of God renews our hope, encouraging us to persist in bringing about the Kingdom of God for all people, even in the face of crises and continued resistance.

We are empowered to persist in a vision that others might not be able to see, but those of us who see it can help others to see. Our goal is not to correct, critique, or condemn, but we strive toward the fulfilment of God’s perfect plan that realises the full blessings which God has in mind for all people.

Because the Word of God took on human flesh and persisted to the end, we too are invited to persist to the end.

I wish to encourage all in the different local churches throughout the Antilles Episcopal Conference (AEC) to join the universal church in reflecting on and celebrating the great importance of the Word of God for our everyday living.

Wishing all a fruitful celebration of the Sunday of the Word of God.