A tribute to Fr Herbert
January 24, 2024
God’s project – bring people together
January 24, 2024

Adjust your algorithms to God

By Daniel Francis

I have been writing weekly articles for The Catholic News for some time now. I love running into people who read the articles and hear their feedback on them. What I find interesting from these interactions is the number one question I get from those who read my articles. They always want to know how I can come up with so many articles that are tied to God and life.

I have gotten this question so many times that I have put some deep thought into the answer, and I came to an important realisation. You see, initially when writing my articles, it was a bit of a struggle to create interesting ideas to write about.

In the early days when I just started writing, I would sometimes spend an entire half an hour staring at a blank document trying to figure out what would be best to write about.

Yes, an element that held me back was doubt. I doubted myself and if my written words would be useful and accepted. However, the major problem was what to write about. Then I realised if you are looking for God in everything, guess what, you will find Him in everything.

A shift in my thinking happened when approaching experiences. I became hyper-aware of every detail of what was happening around me and constantly asked myself, “What is God trying to show me or tell me in this moment?” That one simple mindset shift opened me up to a cornucopia of content to write about.

Here is a simple example that describes the phenomenon I am experiencing. The process of finding God in everything even extended to my social media algorithms.

If you go on my explore page before writing for The Catholic News, all the videos and pictures you would see would be on basketball, lifting weights, and funny memes. Now when you look at my explore page, you will notice a stark difference. Before there was no speck of God; now, you see His presence all over my explore page.

I now see many videos of individuals talking about God in podcasts, funny skits that show an interesting interpretation of popular Bible stories, and videos of people talking about how God has changed their lives. My algorithms saw my shift in content consumption and began showing me more of that content.

Think of this same algorithm concept but directed to your life. What if you set your algorithm to God? What would He reveal to you?

God is in everything so when you begin truly looking for Him in each situation, you will marvel at what you see, hear, and learn. Not only that but you will begin approaching life differently.

As you consume more faith-based content daily through prayer, reading your Bible, attending church regularly, etc you will find that your internal algorithms become attuned to your faith and God.

For me, one of the changes in approach was that I became super sensitive to sin. My life’s algorithm had been adjusted to God so now it became harder and harder to sin. I feel pressure in my chest with even the thought of sinning. Adjusting my algorithms created a perspective of life that helped me to better make that extra effort to stay faithful to my faith and God.

What type of effect do you think it will have on you? Suddenly what was impossible may now seem very possible because you are seeing the signs that God is leaving for you. Your sensitivity to sin will skyrocket as you think twice about straying from the path. Ultimately, this will bring us all closer and closer to God.

So, take the first step to adjusting your algorithms to God. As you go through your day-to-day activities ask yourself what God may be trying to show or tell you.

Get in the habit of seeing Him in all experiences and be open to the change that comes with this shift in thinking. I promise you that it will be a beautiful journey of growth, self-reflection, and faith-building.


Daniel Francis is a millennial helping other millennials. He is a two-time author of the books The Millennial Mind and The Millennial Experience, and an entrepreneur. Over the past four years, he has served as a Personal Development Coach whose work targets Millennials and helps them tap into their full potential. He is also a Self-publishing coach and has guided hundreds on self-publishing their book successfully.


IG: rebitlimited

LinkedIn: Daniel Francis

Email: themillennialmind2020@gmail.com