Sunday January 21st: Proclaiming the Good News
January 21, 2024
Tuesday January 23rd: Relationships Greater Than Blood
January 23, 2024

Monday January 22nd: Limitless Mercy!

“Truly I tell you, people will be forgiven for their sins.”

Mark 3: 21-30

How much are we sometimes like the scribes? Often, we see and don’t see; hear and don’t hear. We are sometimes so proud that we have hardened our hearts to the various ways the Holy Spirit is leading us to more deeply experience God’s love and mercy and repent. Sometimes we even see evil where there is good!
We must be mindful of what fills our hearts because it is often an issue there, that manifests in our words and actions. We thank God that almost always we soon begin to feel the separation from God and cry out and repent of our folly. The Hound of Heaven never stops pursuing us with his grace and mercy. There are no limits to God’s mercy in Christ, for all his children who sincerely repent; and in Him, all forms of evil can be overthrown. We have that certain hope and confidence.
We thank God for the Virgin birth and Jesus’ sacrifice on Calvary which have made all this possible for us.