Sunday January 14th: The Saviour is coming.
January 14, 2024
Repairs begin on St Dominic’s RC Penal, deadline given for completion date
January 15, 2024

Monday January 15th: A Time of Freedom and Festivity

“No! New wine, fresh wineskins!”

Mark 2:18-22

In today’s reading, Jesus is questioned about fasting. In response, He does not discredit fasting but puts it in perspective by referring to a wedding feast where there is freedom and festivity as the bridegroom is present. It is only when he is taken away that it will be appropriate to fast.
He reminds his listeners that if we are not careful we will lose out on what life has to offer. It is like putting a new piece of cloth to patch up an old cloak resulting in the tear getting worse. Or putting new sparkling wine into old brittle wineskins which cannot contain the fermenting wine. Thus, both the wine and the wineskins will be destroyed.
Jesus challenges us to view our lives as a journey into freedom where we are open to accepting change and not disturbed when we look for new wineskins for our new wine.
Lord, help us to be agents of change in a world bogged down by routine and sameness. Amen