“…Many tax collectors and sinners were eating with him and his disciples, for there were many who followed him.”
Mark 2:13-17
Our parents used to say, “Show me your friend, and I’ll tell you who you are”. Is this what is happening here? The Pharisees followed the law to the tee and according to Leviticus 15:7, coming in contact with someone unclean made one unclean as well. They felt Jesus was blatantly disobeying the law, eating with sinners so he could not possibly be from God. Jesus befriended those who were humble enough to acknowledge their own needs as opposed to the proud and arrogant.
We note that when Jesus called Levi, his response was positive and instantaneous. He prepared a banquet, and invited his fellow tax collectors so they too could hear and experience Jesus. Levi saw in Jesus what the Pharisees did not – we can say they had eyes but did not see.
We are called to continue Jesus’ mission of salvation and redemption, reaching people wherever they are and restoring them to wholeness.
Jesus, help us to be inclusive and serve others, the marginalised, the weak, the poor on the fringes of society, and not use our position in Ministry to cause division.