Monday January 8th: Children of God
January 8, 2024
Wednesday January 10th: Jesus heals many at Simon’s House
January 10, 2024

Tuesday January 9th: Special Grace at Mass

Allow Yourself to be Surprised….

Mark 1:21-28

Today’s Gospel puts us squarely at our obligation to attend Mass. The passage says, ‘As soon as the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the Synagogue’. Do we hasten to Mass as soon as our Sabbath comes? We have an obligation to rouse ourselves and go to Mass. There, we will avail ourselves of teachings that make a ‘deep impression’ on us.
Allow yourself to let the Word of God touch you at Mass. We too will receive teaching ‘with authority’ but we, like Jesus must be ‘in the Synagogue’ to receive the Grace and the special word God has just for us. If we do, we too might ‘recognise Jesus as the Holy One of God’ and be ‘astonished’, as the people were in the Gospel passage.
Let us open ourselves to be surprised by Jesus. Let us too, ask each other after Mass ‘what it all meant’. Let us buzz with excitement and talk to each other and tell everyone that Jesus had a new teaching for us at Mass ‘and with authority behind it’.