“And as the child grew to maturity, he was filled with wisdom; and God’s favour was with him.”
Luke 2:22-40
Today, as we celebrate the Holy Family, let us renew our faith in family life once again. In our nation, families are under attack because parents are not doing for their children what is required by God’s eternal, divine and natural law, and so we continue to experience the literal and figurative death of many children who are not growing in favour, wisdom or maturity before God or man.
However, all is not lost, no matter how much we may think that the situation is as good as dead. As a faith community, let us be prompted by the Holy Spirit to consecrate our young people to God and no one else; help them appreciate the value of the interior life of prayer and fasting, and encourage them to not only be content with who they are and what God has provided for them but to truly cherish the virtues of humility, simplicity and a love for the poor.
Let us look forward to Trinidad and Tobago’s comforting, starting with the renewal of our families in 2024.