Friday December 22nd: Responding to His loving presence
December 22, 2023
Saturday December 23rd: What’s in a name?
December 23, 2023

Ten Catholic secondary schools receive scholarships

Students of ten Catholic secondary schools received 36 of the 100 scholarships offered by government based on the results of the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE) 2023 for academic year 2022–2023.

The Education Ministry announced the names of the 100 students and scholarships via a media release on Thursday, December 21. The 100 scholarships comprised 45 Open and 55 Additional; 60 per cent were awarded to female students and 40 per cent to males. Two President’s Medals will be awarded.

Presentation College, Chaguanas received seven scholarships: two Open and five Additional; Presentation College, San Fernando got six: two open and four additional, and St Joseph’s Convent, Port of Spain also received six: four Open and two Additional.

Other scholarships were awarded to students of: St Joseph’s Convent, St Joseph five: three Open, two Additional; Holy Name Convent, Port of Spain four: two Open and two Additional; Holy Faith Convent, Penal three: two Open, one Additional. St Joseph’s Convent, San Fernando, two scholarships while St Benedict’s College, St Mary’s College, and Fatima College each got one Additional Scholarship.