2023: It’s a wrap!
December 14, 2023
Hold back from Christmas songs during Advent
December 15, 2023

Friday December 15th: Responding to the Word

“We played the pipes for you, and you wouldn’t dance, we sang dirges for you, and you wouldn’t be mourners”.

Matthew 11: 16 – 19

Jesus addressed the closeness of the people towards God, when He said the above. The pipes are associated with joy and rejoicing. The dirge is associated with sorrow and sadness. Unfortunately, neither moved the people.

Over the centuries the Word of God has called people to repentance and invited them to rejoice. Many times over, the people ignored the call and the invitation. Throughout the centuries prophets and preachers have reached out to people who were neither touched nor moved. What is it like in our time?

Now, more than before, with the advent of social media, the Word of God is accessible all the time and everywhere. No one can say they did not hear or know the Word of God. It reaches us in our beds, and we carry it with us in our pockets. What is our response to God who continually reaches out to us and invites us to Himself?