Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.
“When the Son of man comes in his glory, escorted by all the angels, then he will take his seat on his throne of glory.”
Matthew 25:31-46
Today, we proclaim Christ as King of the Universe. He has subjected and conquered everything, and He is Lord of everyone – nothing and no one escapes His judgement and His love.
The Gospel is exhorting us to love the Lord that lives in everyone. However, this is difficult in a world of raging individualism where we do not hunger and thirst for righteousness and justice. Instead, through greed, selfishness, violence, lies, manipulation and domination we seek to establish rank and make ourselves lord over other people and creation itself. We no longer see the need to befriend the poor, the stranger, the immigrant or the prisoner. Through pride that blinds us, we do not see our own poverty or “sin sickness” and the need for us to cooperate with the Grace and Friendship of God, to subject that which is most wounded within us.
Today, let us allow this Conquering Lord to work in us, so that we can truly see Him in the other and in turn, come to love the other in Him.