God’s equitable trials
November 21, 2023
Saint Francis of Assisi and the first Christmas crib
November 22, 2023

Wednesday November 22nd: Use them or lose them!

“I tell you, to everyone who has will be given more, but anyone who has not will be deprived even of what he has.”

Luke 19:11-28

In today’s Gospel we notice that the King gives to the servants and two servants give back more than what the master gave. Though the numerical value is different, what is important is change has occurred. In order for the servants to give back more, the value must change.
Many of us believe that today’s scripture is asking us to give materially, or even give with our talents. The message at the heart of the scripture is that whatever God gives us, he wants us to increase its value by using it.

God gave us the ability to love, so that when we love, He multiplies the love within us. God gives us wisdom, so that the more we exercise wisdom, the more it grows within us. Use them or lose them! Are we using the immaterial things God has given us? Are we increasing the amount of all God’s graces by simply using them?

Holy Spirit, show us the way to grow all that God has planted within us.