Learning new skills to support your marriage
November 17, 2023
Sunday November 19th: Well done, good and faithful servant!
November 19, 2023

Saturday November 18th: Never lose heart!

“But when the Son of man comes will he find any faith on earth?”

Luke 18:1-8

Jesus told the parable of the persistent widow and the unjust judge to give his disciples fresh hope and confidence in God’s unfailing care and favor towards us (grace). In this present life we can expect trials and adversity, but we are not without hope in God. Those who put their faith in God and entrust their lives to him can look forward with hope and confident assurance.
Faith is an entirely free gift that God makes to us. We could not believe, trust, and persevere with hope if God did not first draw us to himself and reveal to us his merciful love and care. If we want to grow and persevere in faith until the end of our days, then we must nourish our faith with the word of God and ask the Lord to increase it.
Lord Jesus, increase my faith and make it strong. In every situation I face – whether trials, setbacks, or loss – may I always find strength in your unfailing love. Amen. (Don Schwager)