We should be watchful, ready and committed.
Luke 17: 26 – 37
Today’s parable comprises different sayings. But they are all interconnected. And the one common thread in the message is believers must strike a balance between living in the world and maintaining a deep and abiding faith in God. While the parable speaks of the importance of daily living and activities, it also reminds us that our spirituality and relationship with God must take precedence. We should be watchful, ready and committed.
Lot’s wife serves as a caution that we must not become so engrossed in the world that we cannot let go of it. Her looking back shows that clinging to the things that cannot save us only leads to our destruction.
It is God we must turn to since He is the one, ultimately, who decides our fate. The two people in one bed or two women grinding corn together, with one being taken and one left, speaks to God’s ultimate judgement. God will decide. Though we may be doing the same things, God sees our hearts and our readiness.