Concerns Rise Over OACPS-EU Agreement, Jamaica Withdraws from Signing
November 14, 2023
Thursday November 16th: Kingdom Builders Wanted
November 16, 2023

Wednesday November 15th: Blessings!

“Your faith has saved you.”

Luke 17:11-19

Today’s reading focuses on the 10 lepers who lived on the outskirts of society because of their illness. So desperate were they to be cured that they drew attention to themselves by calling out to Jesus to help them, which he did. Having been cured, however, only one out of the ten returned to give thanks.

There are times when we too and others are like the lepers – on the outskirts, the margin, scorned and illtreated by others. We don’t want this to last forever. Luckily for us someone hears our cries, taking the time to really look at us, ascertain our needs and provide the appropriate solution.

Following on this, our faith comes into question, when we do not take that further step to change our lives. Only one leper did just that. He sought out Jesus, praised God and threw himself at Jesus’ feet, acknowledging he owes everything to God.
Lord, may we be like this one leper so that we too can hear you say: “Your faith has saved you”.