By Renee Smith
The term ‘vocation’ refers to a divine calling or invitation from God to a particular state of life that goes beyond a career or profession; it encompasses dedication and commitment to living out one’s life in accordance with God’s Will. In the Catholic tradition, there are two primary vocations: the vocation to religious life, and to marriage.
Having a religious vocation refers to the calling to serve God and the Church through a life of consecration, typically as a priest, religious sister/nun, brother, monk, or lay consecrated person.
Those who feel called to a religious vocation often commit to a life of celibacy, poverty, and obedience, dedicating themselves fully to God and the service of others.
Marriage is a sacred calling to live a life of love and self-giving within the context of a family. The Catholic Church recognises marriage as a sacrament, a visible sign of God’s love for His people.
The Archdiocese’s annual ‘Vocations Awareness Week’ from Sunday, November 12 – Friday 17, will help many discern and learn more about one’s vocation through activities involving prayer, reflection, and seeking guidance from spiritual directors or mentors.
Fr Kenwyn Sylvester, a member of the Archdiocese’s Vocations Team shared with The Catholic News his hopes for the Archdiocese’s annual ‘Vocations Awareness Week’.
In one sense, he said, it is, “getting young men and women to really think of vocation as a donation of self, of all that God has given them as gifts to be used in God’s Kingdom”. Referencing this year’s theme, What gifts have we received from God and how are we using them?, Fr Sylvester added, “I want to think that the hope of the [Vocations Awareness] week is that we can see vocation as a real donation of self, donation of all that God has given us.” “We are giving it back to God in service by using what we have. He never calls us and takes away from us His gifts, but the gifts He has given us, He has given us for mission, for some great work, to touch some life or some lives and to make some difference in the world.”
He said, “That insignificant gift they may think that they have can go a long way in the building up of the Kingdom of God”. Encouraging youth and families especially to participate, Fr Sylvester hoped the profound messages would stay in the hearts of many through the intentionally planned events of the week.
The Catholic Church continuously makes efforts to encourage individuals to listen attentively to God’s call in their lives and respond with openness and generosity, whether that call is to the religious life, or marriage.
Participate in Vocations Awareness Week by following Generation S & @catholictt on social media.
Article References:
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Documents from Vatican II: “Lumen Gentium” and “Gaudium et Spes”
The Code of Canon Law
The Vatican’s official website: