Archdiocese vocational school brings hope and opportunity to Sea Lots community
November 8, 2023
Friday November 10th: Friendship with God
November 10, 2023

Thursday November 9th: Kingdom Values

I will be rewarded in the end.

John 2:13-22

Jesus’ actions in today’s Gospel may have shocked an onlooker – it certainly shocked the Jews who were asking Him to justify His actions. What Jesus shows us, is that we have to stand up for something – even if we are going against the tide and are in the minority. Once we know that our actions are based on principles of Faith and Truth, founded in scripture, we are called to make a difference. Jesus stood the risk of being misunderstood but even His disciples were able to base Jesus’ actions and words in scripture.
In the end, Jesus’ actions were proven right and then the disciples, way after His death and Resurrection, looked at the incident through the eyes of Faith and they believed the scripture and the words Jesus had said.
Lord, when I know that I am doing your will, give me the courage to go against the tide, to risk being misunderstood but to stand for Kingdom Values and know that I will be rewarded in the end.